6 Electric Scooter Safety Tips
Do you remember when you first learned how to cycle or scooter? Protective gear and approaching the bike or scooter with caution was mandatory. The same rules apply when you start riding an e-scooter. Since it is not a covered vehicle, you are exposed to a lot of risks.
Read the below safety measures to ensure you have a happy, safe and risk-free ride.
Wearing a fitted helmet
Riding an electric scooter is similar to riding a normal two-wheeler so it becomes impertinent for the rider to ensure that they wear protective gear. Helmets create an additional layer for the head and thus protect the rider from some of the more severe forms of traumatic brain injury in the case of an accident.
Start slow and build your confidence up with speeds and unfamiliar areas
E-scooters are all about balance and good posture while riding. In the beginning, it is better to start off slow and steady. Gradually you could build up speed as you get used to the machine. Before you embark on solo journeys on your e-scooter, get the lay of the land. Ride in neighbouring areas to build up that confidence and then move to faraway places. Once you know the routes and become familiar with the turns and stop lights, you can ride freely with ease and comfort.
Be street smart and know the speed restrictions for your state
Laws for e-scooters are quite stringent across the countries. It is important to know the legal aspects before you begin your ride. In some places they allow these to be driven strictly on cycling paths or on allocated roads only. Riding it on main public streets can attract a heavy fine since it is illegal in some countries while in others, they allow it only on private properties. So, keep a note and abide by the laws.
Always be careful while riding
This is one vehicle where you need to use both hands and legs for riding. It is therefore not advisable to ride this with one hand and use your phone or drink water from the other hand. You could lose balance while doing so. You can buy a mobile holder for navigation and also attach a bottle holder to avoid reaching out for your backpack while riding.
Ensure you buy a quality product from a reputable brand
There are many entrants in the electric scooter market but research before you decide upon the type and quality of e-scooter you buy. Check out some brands which specialize in manufacturing high-quality e-scooters like e-Glide & InMotion.
If you are looking for a model that is bigger, bolder and better in every way, you can also consider Kaabo.
Just like any other vehicle, e-scooters need to be serviced and maintained from time to time. Ensure the nuts and bolts are fixed well, check the brake pads are working optimally before you hop on. Check tyres for air pressure, if there are any punctures or the alignment is not correct. Once you start riding, you will have a better idea of the balance and feel if the scooter has been maintained well.